Vaksmann Oy Logo

Vaksmann Oy

Who is Vaksmann Oy?

Helsinki, Finland

11-50 Employees

Founding year: 2018

Products & services of Vaksmann Oy

Product ISOLUX Wood varnish in ready-made shades – Vaksmann image


ISOLUX Wood varnish in ready-made shades – Vaksmann

ISOLUX Wood varnish in ready-made shades | ISOLUX Wood varnish in ready-made shades | Kuvaus | Related Products | SM-18 Special solvent | ISOLAC AQUA SATIN Premium quality water-based enamel paint. Satin finish | BLOCK PRIMER Acrylic, water-based primer – Stain Blocker | ISOLAC AQUA-PRIMER Acrylic water-based primer for wooden surfaces | ISOMAT COLOR Emulsion paint for interior use | BASIC COLORS FOR EMULSION PAINTS High-quality, basic colors for tinting all white emulsion and acrylic paints | PRIMER ACRYL Silicone, acrylic, micronized water-based primer | ISOMAT COLOR ACRYL Acrylic emulsion paint for exterior use | PRIMER ACRYL-S Acrylic, solvent-based primer | ISOMAT CLASSIC ECO SATIN Premium, satin finish, ecological emulsion paint for interior use | Vaksmann OY

Product ISOMAT AK-GRANIT Polymer-modified natural stone and large-format tile adhesive C2 E S1 – Vaksmann image


ISOMAT AK-GRANIT Polymer-modified natural stone and large-format tile adhesive C2 E S1 – Vaksmann

ISOMAT AK-GRANIT Polymer-modified natural stone and large-format tile adhesive C2 E S1 | ISOMAT AK-GRANIT Polymer-modified natural stone and large-format tile adhesive C2 E S1 | Kuvaus | Related Products | MULTIFILL 3-15 Colored cement-based tile grouts CG2 WA | ISOMAT AK-RAPID FLEX Fast-setting, flexible, polymer-modified tile adhesive C2 FT S1 | ISOMAT AK-LIGHT Lightweight, flexible tile adhesive C2 TE S1 | ISOMAT AK 20 High performance, flexible, polymer-modified tile adhesive C2 TE S1 | MULTIFILL-EPOXY GLITTER Three-component decorative epoxy grout for sparkly finish | ISOMAT AK-STONE Rough-grained tile and natural stone adhesive C1 E | MULTIFILL MARBLE 0-3 Grout for marbles CG2 WA | MULTIFILL-ELASTIC Colored elastic tile joint sealant | ISOMAT AK-GRAND Rough-grained, polymer-modified tile adhesive for decorative overlays C2 E | ISOMAT AK 25 High performance, elastic, polymer-modified tile adhesive C2 TE S2 | Vaksmann OY

Product FLEX PU-40 Yksikomponenttinen saumamassa ilman liuottimia, elastomeeriliima – Vaksmann image


FLEX PU-40 Yksikomponenttinen saumamassa ilman liuottimia, elastomeeriliima – Vaksmann

FLEX PU-40 Yksikomponenttinen saumamassa ilman liuottimia, elastomeeriliima | FLEX PU-40 Yksikomponenttinen saumamassa ilman liuottimia, elastomeeriliima | Kuvaus | Related Products | FLEX PU-2K Kaksikomponenttinen saumamassa polyuretaanihartsien pohjalla | DOMOSIL Korkealaatuinen yleistarkoituksiin soveltuva silikonisaumamassa | DOMOSIL-CONSTRUCTION Tiivisteliima, elastomeer | DOMOSIL-S Sientä torjuva silikonisaumamassa | FLEX PU-30 S polyuretaanisaumamassa | WATERSTOP 1520 On valmistettu käsitellystä bentoniitista ja luonnonkumista | FLEX PU-50 S Yksikomponenttinen liuottimia sisältävä polyuretaanisaumamassa, elastomeeriliima | FLEX MS-45 Tiivisteliima, elastomeer | DOMOSIL-MICRO Silikonisaumamassa, jatkuvasti vedessä oleviin kohteisiin | TIXOPHALTE Elastoplastic, bituminous adhesive mastic sealant | Vaksmann OY

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Concrete floors
Vault castings
Dust management and traffic control plans
surface concrete floors
concrete floor silicate treatment



Contact of Vaksmann Oy

City: Helsinki

State: Southern Finland

Country: Finland

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Vaksmann Oy

The company Vaksmann Oy is located in Helsinki, Southern Finland, Finland. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Vaksmann Oy has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

Vaksmann Oy was founded in 2018

The company Vaksmann Oy has it's main focus in the industries of Construction